I have been on holiday to Tasmania for 10 days and had a lovely holiday. Saw the most spectacular tulips at Wynyard. It is the first time that they have opened up the whole farm to visitors
(http://www.vdqbulbs.com.au) - normally they grow just one field of tulips for visitors. There were just rows and rows and rows of tulips - quite breathtaking - spent about 2 hours wondering the 20 acres.
You can experience all seasons in Tasmania as on the drive through to Derwent Bridge to see the Wall of Wilderness (
I actually drove through snow and it actually started to snow!!! It was a bit of a surreal experience and a highlight of the trip.
Another highlight was seeing the Pink Robin as Liffey Falls - I saw one walking along the path to the falls, but couldn't get any good photos of it. But when I got back to the car, there was one sitting on the mirror of another car and I managed to take quite a few shots. Also a Superb Fairy Wren was fascinated by its reflections so also managed to get some good reference photos of it too. So there will be a few paintings of pink robins and fairy wrens coming.
I painted this one before I went away on holiday and love how it turned out - very nearly ended up in the bin as I just couldn't get it to come together - I am blaming it on the fact I decided to try something different and paint the beak first - think I will stick to painting the eyes first and leaving the beak until last.
Flame Robin measures 2.5 x 3.5 inches and is painted on 300gsm smooth Arches watercolour paper.
Many thanks to Patrick Kavanagh for the reference photo.